*Your child may dress up according to their class theme below.
**Students should follow NUT Day guidelines**
Themes for each grade:
VPK: Tie-Dye
K: Flamingos
1: Storybook Characters
2: Pajamas
3: Tacky Tourists
4: Tampa Bay Sports Teams
5: Disney
6: Nerds
7: Decades (90’s)
8: (It’s a surprise!)
Office: Angels
Specials Teachers: Angels
Students are encouraged to wear their class color. **Students should follow NUT Day guidelines**
Colors for each grade:
VPK: Purple or Orange VPK shirt
K: Red
1: Purple
2: Pink
3: Yellow
4: Blue
5: White
6: Camo
7: Green
8: Black
Office: Navy
Specials: tie-dye
Students are encouraged to dress according to their desired vocation.
**Students should follow NUT Day guidelines**
Guest speakers will share their vocation with students.